- The study of climate and meteorological processes in the Caspian Sea region, the development of methods for their evaluation and forecasting.
- The study of hydrological processes and pollution of the Caspian Sea and the mouth areas of the rivers entering the Sea as well as development of methods for their assessing and forecasting
- Scientific and methodological support for the work of the national observation networks in the Caspian Sea region and in the mouth areas of the rivers entering the Sea.
- Development of methods, tools and technologies of observation of the state and pollution of the Caspian Sea.
- Development of methods and technologies to ensure consumer information on actual and expected climate, meteorological, hydrological, hydro-chemical conditions, and pollution of the Caspian Sea region and of the mouth areas of the rivers entering the Sea.
- Organization and carrying out in the prescribed manner meteorological, oceanographic studies and works in the field of environmental pollution monitoring of the Caspian Sea and of the mouth areas of the rivers entering the Sea.
- Maintaining of the State Unified Database on the state and pollution of the Environment.
- Providing consumers with the hydrometeorological information and information about the pollution of the Caspian Sea and the mouth areas of the rivers entering the Sea.
- Contribution to implementing obligations under the interstate, intergovernmental, interdepartmental agreements, contracts and other documents (memoranda, resolutions, reports on scientific and technical cooperation).