International activities ActivitiesMain activities Services International projects International activities Astrakhan branch of the Russian Hydrometeorological Society (RGMO) Projects Photo Contest Search for: Search NEWSСегодня празднуется День экологических знаний15.04.2019Астраханский заповедник празднует вековой юбилей.10.04.2019Роспотребнадзор по Республике Дагестан провел проверки качества морской воды.09.04.2019Смотреть все новости International activities CaspcomTeheran conferenceMGP (International Hydrological Program) UNESCO Coordination Committee for Hydrometeorology and Pollution Monitoring of the Caspean Sea Website of the Teheran conference National Committee of the Russian Federation of the International Hydrological Program UNESCO of the Russian