Caspian Marine Scientific Research Center established in 1995 is a research institution of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet).
Mission of the Caspian Marine Scientific Research Center is information provision for maritime activities at the Caspian Sea based on innovative methods and technologies.
Strategic goal is development and implementation of research programs to meet the needs of the state, society, legal entities and citizens for information about the environment of the Caspian Sea and its changes.
- Research in the field of hydrometeorology and and related knowledge areas;
- Monitoring of the state and pollution of the Environment in the North-Western part of the Caspian Sea and mouth areas of the rivers entering the Sea;
- Scientific, methodological and information support of international obligations in the field of research and monitoring of the Caspian Sea (CASPCOM);
- Scientific and methodological support for the work of the national observation networks in the Caspian Sea region and in the mouth areas of the rivers entering the Sea.