Astrakhan branch of the Russian Hydrometeorological Society (RGMO)
Основными целями Общества являются:
- Assistance in hydrometeorological research and practice.
- Assistance in educational, research and other activities in the sphere of hydrometeorology and related areas of knowledge.
- Targeted work in society for popularization of hydrometeorology.
- Coming out in front of the legislative and executive authorities with the issues concerning the problems of hydrometeorology and climate change, developing propositions of the ways for solving those issues.
- Assistance in international cooperation in the sphere of hydrometeorology and related areas of knowledge, developing connections of the Russian Hydrometeorological Society with the societies of hydrometeorologists of foreign countries.
Российское гидрометеорологическое общество
Протокол РГМО Астраханского регионального отделения
Устав РГМО 2018